JivanLakshya India Pvt. Ltd

Our Goal

Farming is the most important economic activity in the country. The growth potential in this sector is immense in view of the changing food consumption habits, which demands better quality and variety. In order to meet this market led need, new approaches are being developed in agriculture sector including projects in the farm to table chain. Our goal is to help farmers to do some innovative and creative farming and provide better financial help.

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Our vision is to help farmers and others towards creativity, Science

and augment the access to producer inputs and services, creating backward and forward linkages with producers, providing assured market to their produce and increase producers income, generate gainful rural employment and to achieve sustainable livelihood development.


Enable producers to prosper through timely supply of reliable agro inputs

and provide the facilities / schemes for the benefits of the members as may be decided by the Board. Promote consultancy services, training, research and development and all over activities for the promotion of the interests and enrichment of its members including Deposit schemes.


This Mission cannot be completed without your support as a member.

We already have some farmers as member who are associated with us. We know that to accomplish our Goal, Vision and Objectives we need like minded peoples / organizations so JivanLakshya Agri Producer Company welcomes you to join like our other partners.

We have variety of products and services to enrich in feild of our focus sectors

Unfortunately, agriculture alone is no longer able to provide a reliable livelihood for the growing populations in these countries. Our services to turn primary agricultural products into other commodities for market - has the potential to provide those opportunities

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Dairy farming

Animal Husbandary

Food Processing